“As a child, I was presented with orthodontic malocclusion with maxillary constriction, and my father, Dr. Ahmet Keles who is an orthodontist treated me with the conventional palatal expanders that are on the market. I would constantly lose the activation key and was dependent on his assistance to turn the key. Frustrated, one day, I asked him if the expander could be one piece so that I do not lose the key and I could do it myself. This question stuck with my father and working on this over the years, we were able to make this idea a reality.”

— Eren Keles, CEO & Co-founder

Our Mission

Revolutionize orthodontic treatment by providing innovative, patient-friendly solutions that simplify and enhance the experience of dental care.

Our Vision

We aspire to be at the forefront of dental innovation, where our products, starting with the Keles Keyless Expander, set the new standards for ease of use, patient comfort, and clinical excellence.