A Cutting Edge Design

Revolutionary Design for a Hassle-Free Experience

The Keles Keyless Expander represents a transformative leap in pediatric care, addressing conventional expander drawbacks and directly enhancing the quality of patients' lives, with its patient-centric design and innovative features.

  • Keles Keyless expander ditches the key in favor of a built-in activation arm, making it easier, quicker, and safer for patiens and parents.

  • In place of a key, the built in arm allows for an easy two-step activation process, while eliminating the risk of swallowing the key.

  • KKE’s small physical size allows for a deep palate fit for minimal speech concerns, reduced tongue irritation, more comfort

  • Patients enjoy a user-friendly, convenient, and shorter treatment with easy activation, addressing issues like trouble finding the hole, incomplete turns, backwards turns, and food getting stuck in the activation hole.

  • There is no risk of swallowing a key as it is replaced with a builtin activation arm. Also, unlike most expanders, KKE has a secure design that prevents detachment after the final turn, eliminating liability and ensuring a seamless treatment process.

  • The small size allows deep placement in the palate and achieves a true skeletal expansion

Keles Keyless vs Other Expanders

Keles Keyless Expander Removable Expanders Traditional Fixed Expanders
Activation Mechanism Built-in Activation arm Multiple Stage Expanders Screw & Key
Price Moderate/Low Very High Low
Treatment Duration Short Long Long
No Activation Failure
- no difficulty locating hole
- no backwards turns,
- no incomplete turns
High Treatment Adherence
Comfortable, Compact, & Small
Reduced Clinic Visits
Reduced Emergency Calls
No Risk of loosing Appliance/Key

Why Use the Keles Keyless Expander ?

Beyond the simple convenience of eliminating a separate key, the Keles Keyless Expander offers a more patient-centric and potentially more efficient approach to palatal expansion compared to traditional Rapid Palatal Expanders. Beyond a technological advancement, the Keles Keyless Expander stands as a profound force in orthodontic care, with its patient-centric design and innovative features elevating the overall quality of treatment. Orthodontists and pediatric dentists can rely on the KKE to provide the highest standard of care.


Enjoy a user-friendly, convenient, and shorter treatment with easy activation, eliminating issues like trouble finding the hole, incomplete turns, backwards turns, and food getting stuck in the activation hole. The KKE's compact design ensures a deep palate fit, providing comfort, minimal speech concerns, reduced tongue irritation, and enhanced results.


Benefit from maximized compliance, reduced treatment duration, and increased patient throughput. The Keles Keyless Expander also significantly reduces administrative burdens by eliminating emergency calls, minimizing clinic visits, and chair time, and enhancing overall practice efficiency.

Steps to Activate

Different Applications of the Keles Keyless Expander

2-Arm Design

4-Arm Design

Hybrid Design with TADs